Отрывок из субтитров фильма What Women Want, 2000
1. Внимательно просмотрите каждое слово текста. Слова, которые вы не знаете, выделите красным цветом, щелкая по ним мышкой. Улавливать смысл фраз пока необязательно, рассматривайте эти субтитры, как набор слов и только. При выполнении упражнения старайтесь поддерживать высокий темп.
No boss to worry about.
No guys to worry about.
No games to figure...
I like that.
No games.
That's good.
That'd be nice in life,
wouldn't it?
Can I just think for one second? -
Take your time. -
No games.
How do I get that in?
She's running.
It's early.
It's quiet.
Just the sound of her feet on the asphalt.
She likes to run alone.
No pressure.
No stress.
This is the one place she can be herself.
Look any way she wants.
Think any way she wants No game playing.
No rules.
Playing by the rules,
playing games versus playing...
Playing by the rules,
playing games versus playing... -
Why are you nodding? -
I think you're on to something. -
Am I? -
Aren't you?
I was thinking about a play on words.
Something about games versus...
I feel like I was on to something good. -
Playing games versus playing... -
Thank you.
Do you like any of this?
A lot.
I like the idea that you can be yourself on the road.
I do too.
Did I say that out loud?
I was just...
I was circling around the exact same thing,
which is great -
that we're both on the same...
I'm not thinking straight.
My glands may be swollen.
You're doing great! "
No games... "
Just sports."
All right.
We should write that down.
All right.
Did he come up with that or did I?
Can I be...?
can I be honest with you?
Please do.
Before I came here,
I heard you were a tough chauvinistic prick.
I didn't know you meant that honest. -
Sorry. -
it's fine. -
I'm sorry. -
that's OK.
You must have looked forward to meeting me.
2. Откройте ответ (щелкните мышкой на "+ Посмотреть ответ"). Он содержит тот же текст, что и выше. Слова, выделенные красным - это слова, которые не входят в словарь "Мнемо 1". Сравниваете ответ с вашим результатом. Количество слов, которые вы выделили красным, должно быть такое же или меньше, чем в ответе. Если это не так, вам следует уделять больше времени работе со словарем "Мнемо 1".
+ Посмотреть ответ
No boss to worry about. No guys to worry about. No games to figure... I like that. No games. That's good. That'd be nice in life, wouldn't it? OK. Can I just think for one second? - Take your time. - OK. OK. No games. How do I get that in? She's running. It's early. It's quiet. Just the sound of her feet on the asphalt. She likes to run alone. No pressure. No stress. This is the one place she can be herself. Look any way she wants. Think any way she wants No game playing. No rules. Games, sports, rules. Games, sports, rules. Playing by the rules, playing games versus playing... Playing by the rules, playing games versus playing... - Why are you nodding? - I think you're on to something. - Am I? - Aren't you? Well, I was thinking about a play on words. Something about games versus... I feel like I was on to something good. - Playing games versus playing... - Sports? Yes! Thank you. Do you like any of this? A lot. I like the idea that you can be yourself on the road. I do too. Did I say that out loud? No, I was just... I was circling around the exact same thing, which is great - that we're both on the same... Sorry. I'm not thinking straight. My glands may be swollen. You're doing great! "Nike. No games... "Just sports." All right. We should write that down. All right. Did he come up with that or did I? Can I be...? What? Ah... Well, can I be honest with you? Please do. Before I came here, I heard you were a tough chauvinistic prick. I didn't know you meant that honest. - Sorry. - No, it's fine. - I'm sorry. - No, that's OK. You must have looked forward to meeting me.
3. Постарайтесь догадаться (предположить), как переводятся слова выделенные красным цветом и понять смысл фраз целиком. Словарями и любыми другими средствами перевода пользоваться нельзя!
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